This year marked the third Easter in a row that I've spent working in a bar. No matter the weather, it's always painfully slow, and today was no exception. The most productive thing I did was create a display of fake drink specials involving the Easter candy our manager had put out for customers. It was a lot like a dessert tray except that it was pretty much a given that no one would be interested. Oh, wait... it was exactly like a dessert tray.
It all started with "The 'Peep'le Pleaser" which evolved from the entertaining idea of simply using the chick-shaped marshmallow Peeps as a drink garnish. We later decided that "The 'Peep'le Pleaser" was nothing more than a shot of Rumplemintz with a blue Peep shoved onto the rim of the glass.
When we discovered that we also had purple Peeps available to us, the idea for the next shot was instantaneous---"The Purple 'Peep'le Eater." Basically it was a Purple Hooter shot with a purple Peep predictably serving as the garnish.
We started to realize that we were failing to incorporate the wide variety of candy we had at our disposal, so the next shot involved a Reese's peanut butter and chocolate candy molded into an Easter bunny straddling a shot of expresso-flavored vodka. To add a little more to it, we also threw a couple of candy eggs in there. The given title of "Hop On It" nicely conveyed the sexual undertones we were going for.
Of course no one took us up on these "special" offerings, but it sure did make five hours go by a hell of a lot faster. Oh, and did I mention that at the end of my shift I filled a 10-inch hallow chocolate Easter bunny with Guinness and proceeded to drink out of it? Oh, well I did.
Happy Easter.
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